Take Two! Live Live Revolution Blog – Another Myth, who do you believe the Victim or Perpetrators?

This is my second blog spot as I ‘lost’ the link to my other one after my computer broke! Although thanks to the generosity and support of friends who believe in educating and supporting the community regarding sexual violence, I now have a new you beaut Mac!

In the last few days, a suspect in the Daniel Morcombe case has been arrested and charged. This has heralded a focus on educating children on Stranger Danger! Which brings to my mind on of the Myths about victims and sexual violence.

Myth – Victims are to ‘blame’ for what happens to them
Fact – Perpetrators are responsible for the crimes that they commit against people.

It is not up to children to be responsible for ‘fighting off’ a perpetrator, this implies that IF ONLY the child had done some action that they would have been able to stop the perpetrator and therefore it is the child/victims fault for being harmed.

The truth is perpetrating violence against another is a crime of overpowering and domination, it is a crime of planning and most of all a crime of opportunity.

A child or victim is INNOCENT. Their power against the perpetrator has been exhausted and the perpetrator commits the crime. “NO” is not a magic word wherein upon uttering the word an opposing force freezes, stops what they are doing, turns around and walks away.

It is up to the ADULTS of society to protect children, safeguard the community against actions of perpetrators. Adults need to come together to make sure that the children stay safe and are allowed to be children who feel secure in the knowledge that the responsible adults in their lives and in the communities are protecting them.

It is the Adults who need to be educated on the tactics of predators, the legal systems which need a complete review in the way that perpetrators are dealt with. A great start would be by BELIEVING the children and victims who are perpetrated against in the first place.

By placing the responsibility of not being violated onto the victim, we are completely erasing the role of the perpetrator, of whom has committed the offence in the first place. Lets put the spotlight on the Perpetrators and take responsibility as Adults to see that Justice is done on behalf of children and that communities are safeguarded for children, so that children do not have to carry the burden of it themselves.